About Naviair

Naviair is a state-owned infrastructure company with status as a company owned by the Danish state represented by the Ministry of Transport.

Naviair has been designated by the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority to provide air navigation services.

Naviair’s mission
We will facilitate availability and mobility in airspace to support growth and safety in Denmark

Naviair’s vision
We will challenge one another to strike the right balance between capacity, service and costs to improve availability in Denmark
We will develop the infrastructure so that aviation can widen its reach and thus contribute to increased mobility in Denmark

Where to find us:
Naviair Allé 1
DK-2770 Kastrup

T +45 3247 8000
F +45 3247 8800

E-mail: naviair@naviair.dk  

>> Driving Directions

CVR-nr.: 26059763
Registered office: Kastrup